WHY D-Groups?

True discipleship happens in a community of Christ-followers that have deep transforming relationships. Relationships grow strong when Jesus is at the center of their existence. That's why we have Discipleship Groups. "D-Groups" are focused on groups of men and groups women growing together in deep transforming relationships with Jesus and his people.
Journaling Methods
S.O.A.P.S. Bible Reading
  • Scripture - Write out one or more verses that are meaningful to you.
  • Observation - Rewrite those verses or key points in your own words.
  • Application - Think about what it means to obey these commands.
  • Prayer - Write out a prayer telling God what you've learned.
  • Sharing - Ask God who He wants you to share with about what you've learned.

G.U.S. Bible Reading
  • God? - What does this passage you read say about the Creator?
  • Us? - What does this passage you read say about the created?
  • So What? - What do you need to do because of what you have read?
Scripture Memory
This is not a list of the most essential passages of Scripture. However, this is a list of Scriptures we recommend as they are helpful to know in the context of discipleship. You will see these verse lists on an app for your phone called "Bible Memory." You can find HCC's group for memory lists HERE.
  1. 2 Timothy 2:1-2
  2. 2 Timothy 3:16-17
  3. 1 John 2:6
  4. Romans 8:1-2
  5. Matthew 22:37-40
  6. Hebrews 11:6
  7. 1 John 3:16-18
  8. Psalm 19:14
  9. Psalm 51:10-13
  10. 1 Peter 3:15-16
You will find a larger list with some topical Scripture memory lists HERE.
Suggested Book List
We recommend your D-Group reads books together alongside your Scripture reading to practice being life-long learners. Here is a suggested list of books to read with your D-Group:

Growing Up  - Robby Gallaty
Practicing the Way - John Mark Comer

The Deeply Formed Life - Rich Villodas
Life Together ­- Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Beautiful Resistance - Jon Tyson
Surprised by Hope - N.T. Wright
Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life - Donald Whitney
Renovation of the Heart - Dallas Willard
Discipleship Tool
One of our values at HCC is putting God's word into practice. The purpose of Discipleship Groups is to make disciples who make disciples, so we encourage our D-Groups to learn and practice some of the discipleship tools we lean into as a church. Those Practices are:

Three Circles Evangelism (VIDEO)
Three Minute Testimony
The R.A.M.P.
B.L.E.S.S. Prayer
M.A.W.L. Leadership Cycle (VIDEO)

Check out this HCC Discipleship Tools Sheet for all the details for each of the five tools.
Accountability Questions
To start every D-Group, it's important to keep each other accountable, so we have a few questions we recommend asking to start off your D-Group.

Have you been giving in to a consumer way of life or dying to self?
Are you dealing with the temptations in your life?
Are you loving your spouse and children the way Christ would?
Are you sharing the love of Christ with your friends and coworkers?
Are you spending time with God and his Word?
Disciple-Making Covenant
One of the important pieces of a Discipleship Group is the commitment you make with one another. We recommend use the Disciple-Making Covenant HERE.