What to Expect

Service Times
Sundays at 9am & 10:30am

A typical service will last about 60 minutes. We sing songs for the purpose of glorifying God. There is identical kids programming available during both services that engages kids in dynamic teaching, worship, and small groups. Plan to hang around after the service for fellowship and meeting new people.

What do I wear?

At HCC, some choose to dress more formally while others dress much more casually. All styles are represented.


We are interested in talking with anyone who is prompted by the Lord to become an active vital part of HCC. We extend an invitation at the conclusion of each service for personal prayer needs, if you would like to become a Christian, or want to make this your church home through membership.

Invitations aren't just limited to Sundays. If you have questions about becoming a Christian or joining HCC, please feel free to call the office at any time.